Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion 1.10
by Embarcadero Technologies (
Category: Sample Projects
IDE: Delphi 12
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: gamedev, menu, alien invasion, app tethering, gamepad, collision detection, animation, game
Size: 4.21MB
Download: See IDE
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Alien Invasion is a classic arcade style game which features a grid of aliens that move in sync back and forth across the screen. They fire projectiles at the player who is at the bottom of the screen. On each trip back and forth across the screen they start moving faster and faster. There are four shields near the bottom of the screen that the player can hide behind but they have a limited number of hits they can take before each shield is exhausted. The player can only move back and forth at the bottom of the screen and fire projectiles upward.

30 Jan 2024
Embarcadero Software License

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