Mars Rocket 1.10
by Embarcadero Technologies (http://www.embarcadero.com)
Category: Sample Projects
IDE: Delphi 12
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: gamedev, menu, alien invasion, mars rocket, app tethering, gamepad, collision detection, animation, game
Size: 3.808MB
Download: See IDE
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Mars Rocket is a classic arcade style game where the player must collect points and land the rocket without crashing. On each level, 3 stars are randomly placed throughout the game screen which you can collect for more points. Along the bottom of the screen a random number of platforms are generated in different sizes which the player is able to land the rocket on. If the rocket is just slightly off it will crash instead of landing. The motion sensor control really shines in this game as it makes controlling the rocket very intuitive.