

QuickLib 2.2
by Exilon Soft (https://github.com/exilon)
Category: Libraries
IDE: Delphi 12
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: Azure, Config, Yml, Yaml, Scheduler, Serializer, Threads, AutoMapper, Chronometer, Services, Json, Console, Monitor, LinQ, Lists, Background-Tasks, Benchmark, FailControl, MemoryCache, IOC, Dependency, Injection
Size: 2.577MB
Download: See IDE
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QuickLib expands language functionality with lots of improved and quick to implement functions like AutoMapper, MemoryCache, IOC Dependency Injection, Scheduled and Background tasks with retry and fail control, Json/Yaml/Registry config, Serializers, Benchmarking and more. Delphi/Firemonkey (Windows/Linux/iOS/OSX/Android).

23 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0

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