QuickImageFx 1.30
by Exilon Soft (https://github.com/exilon)
Category: Libraries
IDE: Delphi 12
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: Image, graphics, conversion, rotate, png, jxl, webp, jpg, jpeg, png, avif, tiff, gif, bmp, imagelist, http, opencv, libvips, graphics32, stream, flip, icon, transform, linear, resize, strecht, crop, compression, lossless, lossy
Size: 2.361MB
Download: See IDE
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Libray for simplifying image load/save, conversion and transformation. Can load/save png, jpg, jxl, webp, avif, tiff, gif and bmp. Can get image from different resources: file, stream, http, imagelist, associated windows icon, executable file icon, etc. Rotate, flip, grayscale and many other transformations. GDI+, raphics32, OpenCV, Vampyre and LibVips engines available.