
Tag Page 3

Delphi Code Coverage Wizard Plus
Delphi Code Coverage Wizard Plus 2.1.1
by Team Delphi Code Coverage in Libraries for Delphi

A graphical wizard to generate everything needed to run code coverage analysis of your DUnit/DUnitX unit tests (means: check if those execute all of your code lines). It includes the tool to run the coverage analysis.

5 Jan 2024
MPL 1.1

Catch2 3.0
by Catch2 in C++ Libraries for C++Builder

Catch2 is mainly a unit testing framework for C++, but it also provides basic micro-benchmarking features, and simple BDD macros. Catch2's main advantage is that using it is both simple and natural. Test names do not have to be valid identifiers, assertions look like normal C++ boolean expressions, and sections provide a nice and local way to share set-up and tear-down code in tests.

14 Nov 2023
Boost Software License

by Embarcadero Technologies in IDE Plugins for RAD Studio

Navigate your code! Bookmarks replaces the IDE’s inbuilt functionality with new, improved navigation. Place a marker with Ctrl+B – a number will be automatically assigned. Jump between bookmarks by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Left or Right Arrow. Never overwrite an existing bookmark accidentally. Elegant visual cues when you create, delete, or access a bookmark as well as succinct information about where in a unit the bookmark is. This plugin used to be Parnassus Bookmarks.

13 Nov 2023
Embarcadero Software License

by Embarcadero Technologies in IDE Plugins for RAD Studio

Your code at your fingertips. Ever wanted to jump to the uses clause, to a class’s constructor, to a property definition? Navigator lets you move between any section of code quickly, easily, and without your fingers leaving the keyboard. There’s also a minimap – a miniature version of your code, showing the structure and letting you scroll just like a scrollbar. This plugin used to be Parnassus Navigator.

13 Nov 2023
Embarcadero Software License

Parnassus Parallel Debugger
Parnassus Parallel Debugger
by Parnassus OÜ in IDE Plugins for RAD Studio

Modern apps have multiple threads, and this plugin lets you debug in parallel: the same way your code runs! See multiple call stacks, step or run each thread instead of the whole process, see multiple threads' execution right in the code editor - and more.

13 Nov 2023
Embarcadero Software License

Mobile Permissions Component for Android
Mobile Permissions Component for Android 2.1
by Adriano Santos in Components for RAD Studio

This component has as main purpose, to facilitate the request of resource permissions on Android. With just a few lines of code it is possible to facilitate this work in mobile Android applications.

6 Mar 2023
Mozilla Public License 1.1