Com Port


CommunicationLab for C++ Builder
CommunicationLab for C++ Builder
by Mitov Software in Libraries for C++Builder

OpenWire based C++ Builder Components library for easy MQTT, Serial, or Socket communication. Also includes advanced Packet and Structure components allowing easy transmission of multichannel data over single port. Compatible with Visuino and OpenWire Studio.

4 Sep 2024

CommunicationLab for Delphi
CommunicationLab for Delphi
by Mitov Software in Libraries for C++Builder

OpenWire based Delphi Components library for easy MQTT, Serial, or Socket communication. Also includes advanced Packet and Structure components allowing easy transmission of multichannel data over single port. Compatible with Visuino and OpenWire Studio.

4 Sep 2024

TComPortDrv 3.1
by Team TComPortDrv in Libraries for RAD Studio

Non-visual serial I/O component.

19 Feb 2024
Apache 2.0