by Mitov Software in Libraries for RAD Studio
Components for fast boolean and application logic. Allows implementing application logic, user interface logic or complex hardware simulations and modeling with zero lines of program code. Contains logic gates, flip-flops, encoders/decoders, shifters, multiplexers, memory, ALU, displays and more. Includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Free for non-commercial use.
VRCalc++ OOSL and more ... 2.4
by Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT} in Libraries for RAD Studio
VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language
Mustangpeak VirtualShell 2024.02
by TurboPack in Libraries for Delphi
TurboPack MustangpeakVirtualshellTools is part of VirtualShellTools for the Listview but can be used for a TListview Replacement that is faster and more customizable. This is a source-only release of TurboPack MustangpeakVirtualshellTools. It includes designtime and runtime packages for Delphi and supports Win32 and Win64.
DEC - Delphi Encryption Compendium Lite 6.3
by TeamDEC in Libraries for RAD Studio
Cryptography library containing hash algorithms, a cryptographic pseudo random number generator and CRC and format conversion classes along with demo projects and extensive documentation.
QuickLogger 1.45
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi
QuickLogger is a Delphi/Firemonkey (Windows/Linux/OSX/IOS/Android) library for logging on files, console, memory, email, rest, eventlog, syslog, slack, telegram, redis, logstash, elasticsearch, influxdb, graylog, ide debug messages and throw events.
QuickLib 2.2
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi
QuickLib expands language functionality with lots of improved and quick to implement functions like AutoMapper, MemoryCache, IOC Dependency Injection, Scheduled and Background tasks with retry and fail control, Json/Yaml/Registry config, Serializers, Benchmarking and more. Delphi/Firemonkey (Windows/Linux/iOS/OSX/Android).
QuickImageFx 1.30
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi
Libray for simplifying image load/save, conversion and transformation. Can load/save png, jpg, jxl, webp, avif, tiff, gif and bmp. Can get image from different resources: file, stream, http, imagelist, associated windows icon, executable file icon, etc. Rotate, flip, grayscale and many other transformations. GDI+, raphics32, OpenCV, Vampyre and LibVips engines available.
QuickCore 1.1
by Exilon Soft in Libraries for Delphi
Delphi Framework to build high-performance and scalable desktop, mobile and web applications easily like dotnet core, LinQ, ORM, cache, webserver, etc.
Windows API from WinMD 1.0
by Embarcadero Technologies in Libraries for Delphi
Delphi header files for the latest Windows API imported from Microsoft WinMD metadata, for Win32 and Win64
Delphi Code Coverage Wizard Plus 2.1.1
by Team Delphi Code Coverage in Libraries for Delphi
A graphical wizard to generate everything needed to run code coverage analysis of your DUnit/DUnitX unit tests (means: check if those execute all of your code lines). It includes the tool to run the coverage analysis.