Delphi YOLO ONNX Runtime Wrapper 1.0
by Softacom (https://www.softacom.com)
Category: Libraries
IDE: Delphi 12
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: Delphi, Inteligencia Artificial, OpenAI, Anthropic, GPT, Whisper, DALL-E, Modelos de Lenguaje, Chatbots, Síntesis de Voz, API de Inteligencia Artificial, MakerAi, Componentes Delphi, AI, artificial intelligence
Size: 2.128MB
Download: See IDE
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Delphi YOLO ONNX Runtime wrapper is a singleton interface which provides loading and running a YOLO deep machine learning model from the Delphi applications. It allows you to detect objects in an image with Delphi using Object Pascal programming language.